How to Strengthen your Body and Mind with a Gratitude Walk

We know that increasing our exercise will make us feel good physically and we know that having a grateful heart will bring us peace. Why not do both at once with a Gratitude Walk.

Gratitude Walk

A gratitude walk is an intentional walk outdoors where you make a conscious effort to notice the many things around you that bring happiness to your soul. It can be as grand as a perfect sunset or a small as a speckled leaf.

As you walk look for things that bring you happiness and think about why they do. What is it that makes you smile when you see a tree in vibrant colors of red, gold and orange? Why do you want to bend down and smell the flower and examine it’s velvety pedals? What moves your senses when the wind wraps fallen leaves around your legs?

Gratitude Walk

Help your kids appreciate this world by taking them with you. If you pay attention you will see their awe and amazement a the world around them. Instead of trying to get them to speed up slow down with them. Their perspective will make you appreciate an ant, a leaf, a stick, or even a puddle more than you ever could before. Children have the natural sense of wonder in this amazing world and can make us grateful for things that we have lost the wonder in; that we take for granted.

Gratitude Walk

When we look at the why’s we become more grateful and more aware of the beauty around us. Our soul lightens and our heart has peace.

This Thanksgiving take a walk of Gratitude. Maybe every day or maybe once a week. Our family likes to take a walk after Thanksgiving dinner together to enjoy the company and beauty around us as well as making a little room for pie.

Gratitude Walk

A gratitude walk allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature and creates a space for reflection and appreciation. You may be surprised by how much there is to be grateful for if you simply take the time to notice. Notice the simple things, life is not about grand gestures or monumental moments—it’s about finding joy and gratitude in the everyday. As you finish each walk you will be able to carry that peace and joy you found into your everday life. Things will not seem so overwhelming and the people around you will see your increase in patience and kindness.

Gratitude Walk

So take time to appreciate the world around you. Remember, gratitude is a muscle that needs to be exercised just as our physical muscles do. The more you practice it the stronger it becomes. This Thanksgiving take the time to increase your physical and emotional muscles and enjoy your walks of gratitude.

Check out our other gratitude posts to learn more:


The Jesus Stocking-A Christmas Tradition to Bring Christ Into Your Christmas


Gratitude Journal