God is in the Details

My sister is moving and looking to buy a house. Right now the market is crazy and prices are so high. Most homes that are being sold are well above the asking price as well as being above the appraisal price.  Seeing her struggle trying to find something for her family in her price range has been difficult.

It has reminded me about when we moved to this area. Prices were higher than I wanted to spend. I really struggled finding a home I liked and we could afford. We put an offer on 5 different homes that I thought were okay but I didn't love.  Each one fell through one way or another. I was becoming frustrated and doubtful. We had to leave our current home in June, we did have some vacation plans so we didn’t need to be in a home until July but we were running out of time.

Then a house popped up that was located in an area I hadn’t even considered.  As I looked at the home I realized it was exactly what I wanted. I loved it!! We made an offer the day they put it on the market, they accepted, and we were able to move in on our desired date.

Later I found out that the owners were not planning on selling for at least 6 months because they had a home under construction. One day the wife went to the husband and told him to put the house up that week. He did and we got it.  I remembered that I had prayed for the family of the home that we were to buy, that they would put the house on the market.  I am amazed at how my prayers were answered.

I had also felt through this experience that my Grandfather who had passed away the year before would be there to help us.  When he passed we were planning on building and he had been a general contractor.  I had felt peace that he would help us with our build.  We ended up moving states and did not build but when I told my Uncle the date that we were going to close he said, “That’s the day Grandpa died.”  I felt like it was another tender mercy from the Lord.

I can say with full confidence that I love my home and I love where we are located. The Lord knew what we needed better than we did.

My sister has a new build under construction. When we went to look at the different plans being offered she walked into one house and just beamed. She could not stop smiling. I knew she had found the house she wanted. God is taking care of her.

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I testify that God is in the details. He knows our greatest wishes, He wants to bless us. We have to show faith and patience and we will receive the desired outcome we are wanting.


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