Discover God's Beauty in your Life

The Mission of Hopeful Impressions 

Help others find God’s love and light in themselves through reflection on nature, life and people.

Our Dear Friends,

We are Derek and Lexia Thornton, and we welcome you to Hopeful Impressions.  We love God and feel His love all around us.  The light of Christ is in our lives, in the people we meet, and in the beauty that surrounds us.  At Hopeful Impressions, we hope to help you find that light in your life by sharing with you experiences we have had, words we have read, and ways Jesus Christ teaches us to see and hear Him.  As we share life’s journey together, you will find God touching you.  Finding Him in your life will bring you peace and happiness without comparison.

We are the parents of 5 wonderful children.  We have been married for more than 20 years and throughout that time we have stumbled many times and cheered at other times just like everyone else.  Through it all, we have found hope in this life and the life hereafter through our devotion to God.  We have seen Him in times of trouble and peace.  Sometimes we have struggled to see or hear Him, like times when we fought depression for years.  Looking back, it has become clear how He was there with us during the entire time.  He has and continues to help us in raising our children and in strengthening our marriage.  We hope to help you through our experiences so that you too can see and feel Him in your life.

Lexia loves to take nature photos.  Through blessed experiences to travel the world some, she has found God’s beauty in nature and she loves to share that with others so they can see His hand in it too.

Derek has been a religious leader and has studied God’s word extensively.  He loves to discover God’s hidden treasures in the scriptures and in nature, then find ways to apply it to his life and to those he loves and serves.


7 Steps to Get Answers from God